Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Friends & Bickering

The most disturbing experience anyone can go through.

You have that friend, more like a sister, that you absolutely love to death. You're out since the morning having a great time and who'd that one of them who suddenly star shouting at the other for the tiniest little thing, even if it wasn't meant to end like that and definitely unintentional.

You see, it's not the first time such a thing happens with this friend of mine. I'm the one who is shouted at.

For example, today...we went to the gym then out to The Mall to watch a movie. We later on went to Starbucks and sat waiting for the driver to pick us up with out drinks talking. He came and we got up to leave, and I wanted to get an iTunes card. So we go to the store, but then I back out thinking I'm not in desperate need of it, so all's good. Then she shouts and says that we're already here and to jut buy it and get it over with. Oh, and that I pissed her off. I bought it. I blanked out, since that's what normally happens in situations like these.

1) There's absolutely no need to shout.

2) Stop exploding so randomly and just chill.

3) Proper communication is key. Don't shout and make a scene.

4) I'm not your youngest child for you to keep shouting at me whenever "I piss you off" for absolutely no reason, or even the most lame excuse ever.

She apologized, but me being me, it was ever so transparent that I wasn't ok with it. I love you and all, but don't shout! If it was from my parents or siblings, that's understandable, but you?


Anyway, that's all for now. I seriously needed to get that out of my system since these bickering ways are happening ever now and then and I've just had enough.

Thank you for reading such a pointless post.

-With love,

Monday, June 20, 2011

What I've been up to & more...


I know, I know...I promised that I'd start to blog more frequently in my last posts, but I've been crazy busy. The first two weeks were all about the gym and trying to lose some weight before going away on vacation (I stopped going by the middle of last week due to pre orientation at Uni and other factors). I went shopping, finally slept in during the mornings/days I missed out on the gym, read, and well...lazed around the house, of course! It wouldn't be summer without that! Today was my second and last pre orientation session with our academic advisor for Freshman year, and boy did I enjoy every bit!

Anyway, so I managed to read one of the books I got a week ago or something. One thing is for sure, it is by far the most inspirational and eye opening book I've EVER read! Now this is a MUST read. Every morning I woke up to that book and pushed myself to stay awake at night just to finish reading it. Before yesterday, I tagged along with my Mother to The Mall. She had some errands to run and a gift to buy. I thought I'd sit and read at Starbucks while she finished whatever she had to do. Yes, I took the book with me. It's that good.

It's Not About
the Bike
My Journey back
to Life
Lance Armstrong with Sally Jenkins

Lance Armstrong
Cancer Survivor & two time winner of the Tour de France

Here's one of my favourite quotes from the book:

The truth is, if you ask me to choose between winning the Tour de France and cancer, I would choose cancer. Odd as it sounds, I would rather have the title of cancer survivor than winner of the Tour, because of what it has done for me as a human being, a man, a husband, a son, and a father.

You can check out the rest of the quotes as well as an excerpt of the first chapter of his book here.

During my last pre orientation session a few hours ago, the advisor told me about the hours and all, as well as a Maths textbook with a few chapters to review over the summer and a book to read for orientation week. I'm planning to start reading it as soon as possible.

The Last Lecture
Randy Pausch with Jeffery Zaslow

You can check out a summary of the book here once you scroll down the page. I prefer reading the introduction as well as the summary.

You can also view the Lecture on YouTube.

As for now, arrivederci my lovely readers...

-With love,

Thursday, June 2, 2011


It's been real long since I last went to the movies! I can't even remember the last time I sat back and munched on popcorn watching one. Talking about popcorn, I can't help but crave a large sized salted popcorn from the cinema! I don't like the microwaved version *sigh*

Anyway I'll put up some trailers of the movies I want to watch. I'm sure you've already watched them, but oh well!







And that's all for now. Have a fun & joyful weekend everyone!

-With love,

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June aka Summer!

It's finally summer! I feel liberated...don't ask.

Hope you guys have a wonderful Summer vacation. Relax, enjoy, and have fun! Most importantly, stay safe.

I'll be going to bed now! Good night...

-With love,


Ok, so first it was Rebecca Black and now its her...seriously?

I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I prefer Rebecca's Friday and My Jeans is downright horrible! No, actually...no words can do justice in describing how bad this thing is. I'm not even calling it a song LOL! It's THAT bad.

On another note, what's up with kids (not even 13 yet most probably) driving cars? Really? Oh! And the rappers...don't get me started on that!

-With love,