*Earlier this afternoon*
I was sitting at my desk when I got an unexpected phone call from one of the dearest people to my heart.
"Nevaeh, hurry downstairs. I'm outside. Quick!"
I pull my over sized hoodie over my head and slip my feet into a pair of purple crocs. Racing down the stairs, I don't mind that my hair's a total mess and the fact that I'm in my pajama bottoms, I go out to find her walking in the gates with...

With a yummy box of my favorite red velvet cupcakes and flowers!
Speechless is the word. I've never had a friend do something like so for me before, ever! And this was just amazing! The best part was seeing her after what, a month? I miss her more than words can describe! I'm truly blessed with the most wonderful and kind hearted people around me, and to that, I say Al Hamdillah.
Lilly, I love you loads! Thank you a billion!
Another special thank you goes out to Dazzlin & EmpressJr.
Those three girls are simply amazing. Without them, I wouldn't have gotten where I am today. I cherish and adore them so much, it's unbelievable! Thank you both for being there for me, supporting me all the way. I wish you three the best and only THE BEST in whatever you do...love you girls!
God bless.
-With love,
Wow this gave me shivers 'cause it's just pure love. Masha'Allah. How precious those girls are and how precious friendship is!!