Saturday, July 30, 2011

Two Day Journal.


Seventeen years ago I was brought to life and raised by amazingly wonderful parents and siblings. Celebrated with a gorgeous custom made cake from Tasmeem (surprised is more like it) after Friday Lunch at the Grandparents. Later on, got back home and enjoyed some me time reading "An Iraqi in Paris," before getting ready to go out to dinner with my Mother, Sister, and a few friends of theirs. When we got home I was surprised by a basket of goodies from my dear Lilly!

I'd like to thank everyone who made my Birthday very special with all the love, support and great wishes.


مبــارك علــيكم الشــهر

الأثـنـيــن أول أيــام شـهــر رمـضــان الـكـريــم .. كــل عــام وأنـتــم بـخـيــر

اللـهــم بـلــغ أمــي وأبــي وعـائـلـتــي وأحـبـتــي رمـضــان وإجـعــل لـيـلــة الـقــدر مـن نـصـيـبـهــم يـا مـنّــان

اللهم ارحم من لم يبلغ {شھرك الفضيل} وخفف عليهم حمل التراب

​ربي ادخل شهر رمضان علينا وانت راض عنا واجعله شهر تتبدل فيه ذنوبنا الى حسنات وهمومنا الى افراح واحلامنا الى واقع يارب

Ramadan Mubarak my fellow readers!

-With love,

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Movie Reviews


At first, it was ok/a bit lame but as it goes on it gets funnier.


Ah-mazing! Let's be honest now, any movie Bradley Cooper's in is, well...great. Simply a must watch!

I'm totally craving nachos right now.

-With love,

Snakeskin Mani & Pedi

I was flipping through the TV channels this morning when I saw this short segment about real snakeskin manicures & pedicures in New York City. Apparently it's this new trend which has been sweeping through The City.

I personally wouldn't get one...the whole idea just freaks me out! Even though there' s faux snakeskin manicures and pedicures alongside the real snakeskin mani & pedi....

What do you guys think?

-With love,

Monday, July 25, 2011



How are you, ladies? (I doubt there are any gents reading this, so yeah...)

I just got back from Europe four days ago, still trying to get my schedule back to normal. So far I've been sleeping through the unbearable hot and humid mornings, and then just laying around watching some lame TV shows or movies...and of course, eating. There's so much to do before Ramadan which is a few days away! How exciting is that?!

As far as the vacation went, Al Hamdilla, it was amazing.

I was supposed to go back to my dieting ways today, but that didn't last long. It's actually much harder than I thought it would be after two weeks of pastas, lasagnas, and pizzas! Let's not forget the Nutella crepes and chocolate covered strawberries from Godiva! Ah, heaven on earth.

Hope everyone's all right and having an enjoyable and fabulous summer!

P.S. I missed home terribly!

Until next time....

-With love,